You can vote for a single t-shirt twice. Once on Graphic Tide and another on Twitter. This is the best way to ensure the voting system is fair for all artists.
Making duplicate accounts is not allowed as we monitor, detect and remove fake accounts.
Yes, of course! We also advise that you share your t-shirt design on as many social networks as possible to help give you the best chance of hitting 30!
We update our Twitter stats every 8 - 10 hours. We do this to ensure we are getting the most up-to-date and accurate Twitter feed information. Sometimes the Twitter feed doesn't include every Tweet and if that happens there're picked up again in the next run. You can check when the Twitter stats where last updated in the t-shirt voting section. In this unlikely event your Tweet still hasn't been counted please drop us a message along with a link to the Tweet or your Twitter handle and we'll definitely take a look for you.
The best way to ensure your Twitter votes are counted is to use the 'Tweet to vote' buttons on the t-shirt voting page or on the separate t-shirt product pages. Each tweet has to include the t-shirt URL plus the hashtag #vote4tshirts in order for it to be tracked correctly. If your tweet didn't include any of those parts, that's probably why your tweet didn't get counted. If your tweet did include everything, it may not have been included in the Twitter stream.
Yes! You can create an account on Graphic Tide for free and vote this way. Also with an account you'll have access to submit any of your own designs and hopefully make yourself some money!
Currently we don't have any functionality to vote using Facebook - however we are in the process of creating a Facebook app!
Simple, hover over any design in the t-shirt voting section and the overlay will let you know the total number of votes.
Your design needs to be scanned or saved directly from your design software package (not photographed), revealing a high quality and crisp image. We will not accept designs which are blurry, unclear or photographs. Your design HAS to be 300 DPI+ and the higher the quality of your design, the more likely you will be accepted into our voting platform.
For the submission artwork it should be PNG. Depending on your style of artwork, your design should be approximately the size of an A4 sheet of paper (21-30cm wide). The bigger the document canvas the better, only if it keeps it quality throughout. Our maximum print dimensions are 35cm wide.
Good news, we've recently changed the maximum number of colours allowed on a single t-shirt. Now it's unlimited!
This is important so please do take note :) All images (designs) uploaded must be your own work. This means you cannot submit work which belongs to another artist. We cannot accept artwork that contains company logos, brands or slogans. Celebrities or other well known public people cannot be in your artwork either. It's important to note we may decline a submission if we have reason to believe that it has been copied from another source. Not only is it naughty but we believe in transparency and feel it's wrong to take credit (and money) away from someone else's hard work. If you have reason to believe a design has been copied, please let us know.
Currently we only support designs on the front, center of the t-shirt.
Yes, follow this checklist to help ensure your design isn't rejected:
If you've submitted two or more designs that are identical, then all but one will be marked as duplicate. Over time these duplicated designs will be removed from the system.
It's very important that every person only submits designs that belong to them. This means that you own 100% of the work. If we have reason to believe that designs are in breach of copyright, contain copyrighted material or have been flagged by another member, then under no circumstances will be accept the design and/or deleted immediately from the site.
In order to print onto t-shirts, artwork needs to be a bigger enough to do so. As a rule of thumb, A4 sized PNG images are best. If your image is below this size we may mark it as too small.
Designs may also be flagged too small if they're low quality. If you have work that isn't digitalised, don't use your mobile phone to take a photo of it, instead use a high resolution scanner.
If you're stuck this free t-shirt PSD template can help »
Every design that's submitted to Graphic Tide goes through a quick review process to ensure that everything's okay before launching the design on the site. This includes image quality and copyright checks as well as number of other steps. If your t-shirt design is in this stage, you'll receive an email once the t-shirt is live (assuming there are no issues as previously described).
If your t-shirt designs fails to hit 30 votes on the voting platform your t-shirt design is removed from the voting platform.
At this time your t-shirt submission has been unsuccessful. We're unable to give individual reasons why it's been declined to every designer due to the quantity of submissions we receive. Be sure to check the winning designs to see what is popular within the community.
No worries, drop us an email or contact us on Twitter and we will get back to you.
Submit Your Design